• Calcium oxide (CaO) 42% W/V
  • Magnesium oxide (MgO) 0.4% W/V

ALCAPLUS is a complex that has a high concentration of calcium joined with organic and natural adjuvants. It is the most effective and fast solution to bring calcium to the plant without nitrates and sulphides in all types of soil conditions. The complex in its concentrated suspension form is suitable for application by all irrigation systems.

ALCAPLUS is used:

  • To increase and improve the soil structure and fortify the development of plant roots thus increasing the absorption of most nutrients.

  • To provide calcium to crops in all soil types and prevent calcium deficiency problems and increase the quality of fruit and post-harvest life.

  • To apply as a source of calcium and nutrient supply program and/or to improve phases of a greater requirement of the element such as rooting, flowering and especially during fruiting.

Radicular application in all cultures.

  • Apply 3-5 Kg / ha per week throughout the crop cycle. The annual doses vary according to the type of soil. In acidic soils where in addition there is high calcium deficiency, there is a high need for neutralization and salt-sodium soils where the risk of soil compaction is high, the inputs are 50-120 Kg/cycle. For the rest of the soils, the contributions are 20-60 Kg/cycle.

    • Apply the product alone. Avoid mixing with phosphate fertilizers.
    • To ensure a good application, inject the product alone at the beginning of the irrigation and then make irrigation with clear water at least twice the time of injection of the product to ensure washing of the irrigation network.

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